Monday 14 October 2019

Movies: Abominable (U), Gemini Man (12A) & GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra (DVD – 12)

Abominable (U) – what’s it about? A yeti is captured by an evil corporation and this is the story of a group of friends helping him find his way home.

I wasn’t sure if this would be ok or not, it was one of those I just went to see it to pass the time and it was worth it as its pretty cute. That said though it is very much for the younger audience and probably too kiddy for most older teens. It’s not like some of the other cartoons that have hidden humour that the older generation will get, so don’t expect that. It is though a really nice film, it’s a heart-warming story about a group of friends bonding and going on a journey together, it’s just a loveable easy watch really…though I’m not sure how they all didn’t die from hypothermia.

Rating: ***

Gemini Man (12A) – what’s it about? When Henry is set to retire the agency send a hitman after him to tie up loose ends.

I originally thought this starred Will Smith and his son, but nope it’s just Will Smith and Will Smith. It’s a good mindless action film really, its very similar to some of his other films, it has a little bit of humour and storyline but its mainly a leave your brain at the door and watch film. The only thing I would say is as it’s the two of them some of the cgi is really over the top cgi and it just takes the mind away from the movie and you just notice it. I know they were trying to make his younger one a bit of a super soldier, but it was just done really badly. Yeah its ok if you like a good action flick really as long as you don’t think too much.

Rating: ****

GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra (DVD – 12) – what’s it about? Two new recruits join the Joes and together the team must stop an evil company from using some big ass weapons.

I decided to re-watch this one as I hadn’t seen it for a long while and I forgot how cheesy it was. It’s a good watch, probably aimed at the younger/teen boy audience more than anyone else. It’s got a bit of a story to it and is a lot of fighting and action really. The characters are very average though, and just really cheesy and stereotypical, you know the bad guys are all in black and the bad woman is in tight fitting black pvc, and the good guys are all American fit and the lady has her cleavage out and make-up on even though she’s supposed to be all military. Yeah its just really hammy really just like the cartoon, so as long as you take it for what it is then its an amusing watch and will probably keep you entertained, it did me anyway.

Rating: ***

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